© 2025 - MyTimeIsUp - A free software for parental control and self control
"MyTimeIsUp" is a free user-friendly software designed for parents who are searching for constructive ways to limit the amount of time their children spend online.
The software allows parents to allocate a set amount of online computer time for each child, on a weekly or daily basis. When the time is up the internet connection automatically disconnects. The program also allows to set a specific time in the evening or at night time, after which the internet will disconnect so that the child could no longer be online.
"MyTimeIsUp" relieves families of daily arguments about the amount of time spent in front of the computer. When preparing to install the program, parents can have a conversation with each child and reach an agreement on a set time allocation, either weekly or daily. This conversation is highly valuable as it invites us to consider and define our "relationship" with the internet, which has become a central force in our lives.
Once the software is installed, there is no more need for recurring and agonizing fights. The program operates automatically and does not require manual interventions by parents.
Another aim of "MyTimeIsUp" is to education children about how to make decisions and take responsibility for themselves. The per-allocation of internet time encourages the children to plan when and for how long they want to go online. They will no longer spend endless hours randomly surfing the internet.
Parents can choose to set a different time frame for each of the children. Each child will have his or her own password to enter the program and go online.
Our software is free of charge. Installing MyTimeIsUP is very simple, you can find all the instructions and the possibilities it offers under the "Help" button.
Currently the software can be installed on computers with a Windows operating system.
Please feel free to contact us, we welcome your suggestions and feedback and are happy to assist with any technical problems: support@MyTimeIsUp.org